
Hi everyone,

My name is Sophie and helping others, championing them is an essential part of who I am.

Walking hand-in-hand with women and seeing them transform their lives through our work together brings me so much joy.

But my career hasn’t always been this truly aligned with my purpose. I also know the feeling of unfullfilment with work.

Back in 2012, after almost four years in a great position as Marketing Director at Unilever, things started to shift. The fun, motivation and lightness of my everyday was turning into stress, lack of confidence, heaviness and doubts around myself and my next step.

After reflection and work with a coach, I realized,

I was not living out my true potential in a way that fit with my personal goals and lifestyle.



I could continue with this terrible feeling of unalignment and unhappiness, or I could put other
people’s expectations aside and fight for purpose-driven work that would fit my personality, my
ambitions and my family.

After some unexpected twists and turns, including the birth of my 3rd baby and relocating to
London (life happens!),

I took the leap to gain my coaching certification and design a coaching program capable of
transforming women’s lives.


I feel privileged that I truly love my job,
that it fits with my family’s needs and lifestyle,
and that I get to make a positive
difference in the lives of others every day.

But I also know that it’s not that easy to make your dream job a reality. It breaks my heart that
millions of women around the world are left feeling unfulfilled, unmotivated, and lacking the
confidence, clarity and clear path forward they need to chart out meaningful career.

It’s completely normal to question what the best path forward is, what kind of new role would be
best for you, and what will allow you the right blend of flexibility and a pay-check for your family.
I also know from personal experience that it’s very difficult to find this clarity alone, and to come
up with an action plan for making it a reality.

I hope that you’ll find the support you need here at Echoes coaching, whether that’s reading

through the insights and suggestions I share on the blog or working with me closely.


you can build a more fulfilling and flexible career
that allows you to make a positive impact in the world.
